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A Companion to Roman Architecture
Автор(ы): Roger B. Ulrich
Издательство: Wiley-Blackwell
читать дальшеГод: 2013
Страниц: 614
Язык: English
Формат: PDF (e-book)
A Companion to Roman Architecture presents a comprehensive review of the critical issues and approaches that have transformed scholarly understanding in recent decades in one easy–to–reference volume. Offers a cross–disciplinary approach to Roman architecture, spanning technology, history, art, politics, and archaeology Brings together contributions by leading scholars in architectural history An essential guide to recent scholarship, covering new archaeological discoveries, lesser known buildings, new technologies and space and construction Includes extensive, up–to–date bibliography and glossary of key Roman architectural terms.
(Книга представляет собой всеобъемлющий обзор важнейших вопросов и подходов, которые составили научное понимание вопроса в последние десятилетия. Предложен междисциплинарный подход к римской архитектуре, охватывающий технологии, историю, искусство, политику и археологию. Представлены все новые археологические открытия и малоизвестные сооружения, включена обширная библиография глоссарий ключевых римских архитектурных терминов.)
Падение Запада. Медленная смерть Римской империи
Год выпуска: 2014
Адриан Голдсуорти / Adrian Goldsworthy
читать дальшеПеревод: Антон Короленков, Е. Семенова
Издательство: АСТ
Формат: PDF, DjVu
Количество страниц: 736 с картами
Описание: Римская империя не пала в одночасье, под копьями варваров в 476 г. - окончательный коллапс знаменовал собой лишь финальную сцену многолетней трагедии. По мнению Адриана Голдсуорти, первые признаки разложения империи появились уже при просвещенном правлении "императора-философа" Марка Аврелия.
Jean Pierre Adam. Roman Building: Materials and Techniques. Routledge, 2003
читать дальшеКоличество страниц: 360
Формат: PDF
Roman architecture is extraordinarily rich, both in terms of the techniques and materials used and in the variety of buildings constructed, many of which are still visible today.
Now in paperback, Roman Buildings places emphasis on the technical aspects of that architecture, following the process of building through each stage, from quarry to standing wall, from tree to roof timbers. The author examines the different techniques involved in building in brick and in stone and wood, and how these materials were obtained or manufactured. He also discusses interior decoration and looks at the practical aspects of water supply, heating and roads. Each type of building required special tools and these are described, using both surviving examples and modern parallels.
The Romans constructed many spectacular feats of engineering, producing magnificent monuments such as the Pantheon and Pont du Gard. This book looks at these large-scale public buildings but also at more modest homes and shops. The result is a thorough and systematic examination of Roman building, with over 750 illustrations
Charles Gates
Ancient Cities: The Archaeology of Urban Life in the Ancient Near East and Egypt, Greece and Rome (2nd edition)
читать дальшеИздательство: Routledge
Год: 2011
Формат: PDF
Количество страниц: 504
Описание: Ancient Cities surveys the cities of the Ancient Near East, Egypt, and the Greek and Roman worlds from the perspectives of archaeology and architectural history, bringing to life the physical world of ancient city dwellers by concentrating on evidence recovered from archaeological excavations. Urban form is the focus: the physical appearance and overall plans of the cities, their architecture and natural topography, and the cultural and historical contexts in which they flourished. Attention is also paid to non-urban features such as religious sanctuaries and burial grounds, places and institutions that were a familiar part of the city dweller's experience. Objects or artifacts that represented the essential furnishings of everyday life are discussed, such as pottery, sculpture, wall paintings, mosaics and coins. Ancient Cities is unusual in presenting this wide range of Old World cultures in such comprehensive detail, giving equal weight to the Preclassical and Classical periods, and in showing the links between these ancient cultures.
[греческие дома - планы; план Александрии; этрусские дома - планы - Аквароссо, Марцаботто]
Richardson L. New Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 1992
Filippo Coarelli. Roma. Guide Archeologiche. Mondadori Electa S.p.A. 2004
Filippo Coarelli. Rome And Environs: An Archaeological Guide. University of California Press, 2007
Шуази О. Строительное искусство древних римлян 1938
Михаловский И. Б. Архитектурные формы античности 1925/1937 перв. изд./2006
Значко-Яворский И. Л. Очерки истории вяжущих веществ 1963
Крыжицкий С. Д. Жилые дома античных городов Северного Причерноморья 1982
Витрувий, само собой.
A companion to the Roman army
Paul Erdkamp
Издательство: Elsevier Academic Press
Год: 2002
Кол-во страниц: 834
Формат: pdf
The guiding principle behind this companion to the Roman army is the belief that the Roman army cannot adequately be described only as an instrument of combat, but must be viewed also as an essential component of Roman society, economy, and politics. Of course, the prime purpose of the Roman army was to defeat the enemy in battle. Whether the army succeeded depended not only on its weapons and equipment, but also its training and discipline, and on the experience of its soldiers, all of which combined to allow the most effective deployment of its manpower. Moreover, every army is backed by a more or less developed organization that is needed to mobilize and sustain it. Changes in Roman society significantly affected the Roman army. However, the army was also itself an agent of change, determining in large part developments in politics and government, economy and society.
[Иллюстрации-стр. 13, рис. 3 - фреска с виллы в окрестностях Стабий - охотничья сцена из мифа о Мелеагре "в исполнении" римского офицера со свитой - розовато-красные "туники милитарис", плащи (авт. - сагумы) зелёные с жёлтой оторочкой, желтые котурны. У одного из свитских на голове пилей "греческого типа".
Вообще много интересных артефактов и реконструкций.]
A Companion to the Roman Army
Paul Erdkamp
Издательство: Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Серия: Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World
Год издания: 2007
Количество страниц: 601
Формат: pdf (e-book)
A Companion to Roman Architecture
Автор(ы): Roger B. Ulrich
Издательство: Wiley-Blackwell
читать дальшеГод: 2013
Страниц: 614
Язык: English
Формат: PDF (e-book)
A Companion to Roman Architecture presents a comprehensive review of the critical issues and approaches that have transformed scholarly understanding in recent decades in one easy–to–reference volume. Offers a cross–disciplinary approach to Roman architecture, spanning technology, history, art, politics, and archaeology Brings together contributions by leading scholars in architectural history An essential guide to recent scholarship, covering new archaeological discoveries, lesser known buildings, new technologies and space and construction Includes extensive, up–to–date bibliography and glossary of key Roman architectural terms.
(Книга представляет собой всеобъемлющий обзор важнейших вопросов и подходов, которые составили научное понимание вопроса в последние десятилетия. Предложен междисциплинарный подход к римской архитектуре, охватывающий технологии, историю, искусство, политику и археологию. Представлены все новые археологические открытия и малоизвестные сооружения, включена обширная библиография глоссарий ключевых римских архитектурных терминов.)
Падение Запада. Медленная смерть Римской империи
Год выпуска: 2014
Адриан Голдсуорти / Adrian Goldsworthy
читать дальшеПеревод: Антон Короленков, Е. Семенова
Издательство: АСТ
Формат: PDF, DjVu
Количество страниц: 736 с картами
Описание: Римская империя не пала в одночасье, под копьями варваров в 476 г. - окончательный коллапс знаменовал собой лишь финальную сцену многолетней трагедии. По мнению Адриана Голдсуорти, первые признаки разложения империи появились уже при просвещенном правлении "императора-философа" Марка Аврелия.
Jean Pierre Adam. Roman Building: Materials and Techniques. Routledge, 2003
читать дальшеКоличество страниц: 360
Формат: PDF
Roman architecture is extraordinarily rich, both in terms of the techniques and materials used and in the variety of buildings constructed, many of which are still visible today.
Now in paperback, Roman Buildings places emphasis on the technical aspects of that architecture, following the process of building through each stage, from quarry to standing wall, from tree to roof timbers. The author examines the different techniques involved in building in brick and in stone and wood, and how these materials were obtained or manufactured. He also discusses interior decoration and looks at the practical aspects of water supply, heating and roads. Each type of building required special tools and these are described, using both surviving examples and modern parallels.
The Romans constructed many spectacular feats of engineering, producing magnificent monuments such as the Pantheon and Pont du Gard. This book looks at these large-scale public buildings but also at more modest homes and shops. The result is a thorough and systematic examination of Roman building, with over 750 illustrations
Charles Gates
Ancient Cities: The Archaeology of Urban Life in the Ancient Near East and Egypt, Greece and Rome (2nd edition)
читать дальшеИздательство: Routledge
Год: 2011
Формат: PDF
Количество страниц: 504
Описание: Ancient Cities surveys the cities of the Ancient Near East, Egypt, and the Greek and Roman worlds from the perspectives of archaeology and architectural history, bringing to life the physical world of ancient city dwellers by concentrating on evidence recovered from archaeological excavations. Urban form is the focus: the physical appearance and overall plans of the cities, their architecture and natural topography, and the cultural and historical contexts in which they flourished. Attention is also paid to non-urban features such as religious sanctuaries and burial grounds, places and institutions that were a familiar part of the city dweller's experience. Objects or artifacts that represented the essential furnishings of everyday life are discussed, such as pottery, sculpture, wall paintings, mosaics and coins. Ancient Cities is unusual in presenting this wide range of Old World cultures in such comprehensive detail, giving equal weight to the Preclassical and Classical periods, and in showing the links between these ancient cultures.
[греческие дома - планы; план Александрии; этрусские дома - планы - Аквароссо, Марцаботто]
Richardson L. New Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 1992
Filippo Coarelli. Roma. Guide Archeologiche. Mondadori Electa S.p.A. 2004
Filippo Coarelli. Rome And Environs: An Archaeological Guide. University of California Press, 2007
Шуази О. Строительное искусство древних римлян 1938
Михаловский И. Б. Архитектурные формы античности 1925/1937 перв. изд./2006
Значко-Яворский И. Л. Очерки истории вяжущих веществ 1963
Крыжицкий С. Д. Жилые дома античных городов Северного Причерноморья 1982
Витрувий, само собой.
A companion to the Roman army
Paul Erdkamp
Издательство: Elsevier Academic Press
Год: 2002
Кол-во страниц: 834
Формат: pdf
The guiding principle behind this companion to the Roman army is the belief that the Roman army cannot adequately be described only as an instrument of combat, but must be viewed also as an essential component of Roman society, economy, and politics. Of course, the prime purpose of the Roman army was to defeat the enemy in battle. Whether the army succeeded depended not only on its weapons and equipment, but also its training and discipline, and on the experience of its soldiers, all of which combined to allow the most effective deployment of its manpower. Moreover, every army is backed by a more or less developed organization that is needed to mobilize and sustain it. Changes in Roman society significantly affected the Roman army. However, the army was also itself an agent of change, determining in large part developments in politics and government, economy and society.
[Иллюстрации-стр. 13, рис. 3 - фреска с виллы в окрестностях Стабий - охотничья сцена из мифа о Мелеагре "в исполнении" римского офицера со свитой - розовато-красные "туники милитарис", плащи (авт. - сагумы) зелёные с жёлтой оторочкой, желтые котурны. У одного из свитских на голове пилей "греческого типа".
Вообще много интересных артефактов и реконструкций.]
A Companion to the Roman Army
Paul Erdkamp
Издательство: Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Серия: Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World
Год издания: 2007
Количество страниц: 601
Формат: pdf (e-book)
@темы: археология, замечания, античность