Про античные храмы и средневековые соборы уже все всё знают. Но нордические викинги у меня лично оставались пока вне подозрений. И пажалста: вместо суровой монохромной резьбы по северному камню - нормальные такие цыганские надгробия...

Это Чешир, местечко Нестон, группа захоронений X-XI в. Надгробные камни были реконструированы британскими учоными в 1988 г.

Из статьи: Roger White, "Figuring It Out: Further Work on the Neston Cross Fragments, Cheshire" // In Search of Vikings: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Scandinavian Heritage of North-West England; CRC Press, 2014, P. 185, 186)
ABSTRACT: The group of five carved 10th to 11th century cross fragments at Neston, Cheshire, constitute an unusual and interesting group of great iconographic value. In form, they belong to a welldefined type of circle- headed crosses known on the margins of the Irish Sea, but in design they are distinct in the range and number of figural carvings they bear. This chapter seeks to explore whether the author’s suggestion in an earlier article of a tentative reconstruction of one cross based on two of them is accurate (White 1988). This chapter also considers the question of the significance of the overall group in terms of the iconography and what it can tell us of the society that created and used these monuments.