Martha Breen Bredemeyer
Ancient Herbs
Издательство: J. Paul Getty Museum Gardens
Год: 1982
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The Getty Museum building re-creates an ancient Roman villa on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, where guests can feel that they are visiting the Villa dei Papiri before it was buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79. The climate of Southern California has made it possible to plant the gardens with dozens of herbs, flowers, and fruit trees known to the Greeks and Romans. In classical times they were practical as well as beautiful, providing color, perfume, home medicines, and flavorings for food and drink.
Martha Breen Bredemeyer, a San Francisco Bay area artist, was inspired to paint two dozen of the garden’s herbs. Her watercolor gouaches combine vibrant color with the fragile delicacy of these short-lived plants while her pen-and-ink drawings share their wiry grace. Jeanne D’Andrea discusses twenty-one of the herbs in detail after presenting their place in myth, medicine, and home in the introduction.
Table of Contents:
The J. Paul Getty Museum Herb Garden
Medicine, Botany, and Magic
House and Garden
Herbs: Basil, Bay, Borage, Chamomile, Coriander, Dill, Fennel, Garlic, Iris, Mint, Mustard, Myrtle, Onion, Oregano, Parsley, Rose, Rosemary, Rue, Saffron, Sage, Thyme
Map of the Herb Garden
Selected Bibliography
Greek Gold from Hellenistic Egypt
Издательство:J. Paul Getty Museum
Автор:Michael Pfrommer
Год: 2001
Количество страниц:90
Because the true provenance of this splendid gold jewelry in the J. Paul Getty Museum is unknown, the mystery of exactly what it is must be solved. Why are these lovely ornaments called Greek gold? How do we know they must have been produced in Egypt during Hellenistic times, the period that coincides with the Ptolemaic dynasty? Was the owner simply a wealthy member of society? A member of the court? Or a priestess? The journey through three centuries, beginning about 350 B.C., takes us from the empire-building Alexander the Great to the beguilingly ambitious Kleopatra VII, along the way providing answers to those questions. This sweep through the turbulent history of the eastern Mediterranean gives a picture of the Greek-Egyptian blending of religion and art. Although much is left to the imagination, the basic facts do come to light, and the facets and surfaces of the Getty’s golden treasure enrich us with new understanding.
Greek Gold from Hellenistic Egypt is part of the Getty Museum Studies on Art series, which is designed to introduce individual artworks or small groups of related works to a broad public with an interest in the history of art.
Each monograph is written by a leading scholar and features a close discussion of its subject as well as a detailed analysis of the broader historical and cultural context in which the work was created.
Table of Contents
Foreword Marion True
The Jewelry
Alexander the Great: A New God in Egypt
Alexandria, a New City in an Old World
The God of Love as King of Egypt
Powerful Queens: From Arsinoëaut; II to Kleopatra VII
Religion: One Language for Two Civilizations
At the Brink of Disaster: The Golden Treasure in Its Historical Perspective
Ptolemaic Dynasty
About the Author
Michael Pfrommer was for several years at the German Archaeological Institute in Istanbul and is now associate professor of classical archaeology at the University of Trier in Germany. His areas of specialty are Ptolemaic Egypt and Hellenistic jewelry and metalwork, about which he has published several monographs
[Помимо исследования эллинистического египетского золота, вкниге интересные сведения об эллинистическом Египте в целом; в частности - об алесандрийской архитектуре. Иллюстрации:
Рис. 9 на стр. 12 - гробница Александра, построенная Птолемеем IV, модель и фото - Fa. Panasensor
Рис. 11 на стр. 14 - вид птолемеевской Александрии с птичьего полёта, рисунок Ульрики Дэнис (Ulrice Denis)
Рис. 13а-13b на стр. 14 - модель Таламегоса - Корабельного дворца Птолемея IV, сооруженного между 222/221 и 204 гг, вид сбоку и фасад. Модель сделана для документального фильма Гюнтера Кляйна "Подводное путешествие Клеопатры" ("The Underwater Journey of Cleopatra").
Рис. 31 на стр. 45 - реконструкция интерьера храма Афродиты, нижний этаж Таламегоса. Автор рисунка - Михаэль Пфроммер. ]
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Martha Breen Bredemeyer - Ancient Herbs
Martha Breen Bredemeyer
Ancient Herbs
Издательство: J. Paul Getty Museum Gardens
Год: 1982
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Martha Breen Bredemeyer
Ancient Herbs
Издательство: J. Paul Getty Museum Gardens
Год: 1982
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